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Orlando, a bustling city known for its vibrant attractions and warm climate, also faces its share of challenges with pests. This is where companies like Imperial Pest Prevention step into the limelight, especially regarding Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) inspections in Orlando.

Imperial Pest Prevention, serving the Orlando area, stands out as a beacon of reliability and expertise in pest control and WDO inspections. These inspections are crucial for homeowners, buyers, and sellers alike, as they thoroughly examine a property for pests that can cause significant damage to wooden structures, such as termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles, and more.

The importance of choosing a reputable and experienced company like Imperial Pest Prevention for WDO inspections cannot be overstated. These pests often go unnoticed until substantial damage has occurred, making early detection key to preventing costly repairs. Imperial Pest Prevention's team of certified professionals uses the latest technology and strategies to identify signs of infestations, providing homeowners with peace of mind and a clear plan for remediation if necessary.

What sets Imperial Pest Prevention apart in the Orlando area is not just their expertise in WDO inspections but also their comprehensive approach to pest control. They understand the unique pest challenges that come with Orlando's climate and environment, offering tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of their clients. Whether it's residential or commercial properties, Imperial Pest Prevention provides effective, environmentally friendly pest control solutions that ensure occupants' safety and the structure's integrity.

For those in Orlando, choosing Imperial Pest Prevention means opting for a company committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. Their detailed WDO inspection reports are invaluable tools for buying, selling, or maintaining a property. They offer detailed insights into the property's condition and treatment or preventative measures recommendations. Focusing on customer education, they ensure that property owners are well informed about the risks and solutions related to pest control and wood damage.


A Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) inspection in Florida is a specialized examination aimed at identifying the presence of certain pests that can cause damage to wooden structures within a property.

This type of inspection is particularly important in Florida due to its humid climate, which can create favorable conditions for these organisms to thrive. The primary focus of a WDO inspection in this region includes identifying infestations of Wood Decaying Fungus, Subterranean

WDO檢查或白蟻不動產檢查是木材破壞生物檢查。這種檢查也被稱為其他名稱,例如房地產檢查,封閉檢查或白蟻檢查。當潛在的購房者希望對他們可能購買的房屋抵押時,金融機構通常需要進行WDO檢查。有時,當前的房主可能想為他們當前居住的房屋再融資,以獲得更高的利率。我還看到很多時候,當前的房主都接受了WDO檢查,他們可能希望了解他們的房屋可能會破壞木材,然後再將其在市場上出售,好奇心或例行檢查,以記錄房屋維護記錄對貸方的檢查目的是確保房屋中沒有大量破壞木材的生物和/或損壞。它使他們能夠在需要時進行治療,或者有機會在投資抵押財產之前進行維修。為了潛在的購買者, WDO檢查可作為一種工具,以查看持證檢查員可以“看到”木材毀滅性生物的程度。有關“ 什麼是WDO檢查? ”的深入說明,請閱讀我們專門討論該主題的博客文章。





老房子鑽  (Hylotrupes是Cerambycidae家族的木鑽甲蟲的單型屬,長角甲蟲。唯一的物種Hylotrupes bajulus以幾種常見的名字而聞名,包括長角甲蟲,老屋蛀蟲和歐洲European蟲。起源於歐洲甲蟲已經散佈在木材和木製品中,現在幾乎具有國際化的分佈,包括南部非洲,亞洲,美洲,澳大利亞,歐洲和地中海。

粉後甲蟲  (屬於被歸類為昆蟲亞科Lyctinae的70種枯木甲蟲。[1]這些甲蟲,蜘蛛甲蟲,死亡守衛甲蟲,普通家具甲蟲,皮甲蟲和其他甲蟲組成了超家族Bostrichoidea。大多數木材蛀蟲的前胸很大,粉狀的甲蟲沒有,使它們的頭部更明顯;此外,觸角有兩節的棍棒,被認為是害蟲,會侵蝕落葉喬木,隨著時間的流逝,木材會變成粉塵長角甲蟲(天牛科)造成的損害常常與粉後甲蟲混淆,但兩組無關,它們的幼蟲是白色和C形。





內部檢查:特別要注意踢腳線,裸露的石膏板出口孔,車庫,門窗框以及其他特別容易破壞木材的生物的區域。白蟻檢查的這一部分將在視覺和物理上進行,通常涉及視覺檢查,敲擊,探測和探測易感木材。重要的是要注意, WDO白蟻檢查僅是視覺檢查。隱藏的損壞可能隱藏在隱藏的位置中並且是看不見的。

閣樓和/或爬行空間檢查:如果可接受,將檢查閣樓和爬行空間。總是存在無法看到或無法實際檢查的位置。對閣樓和爬行空間區域的檢查將檢查閣樓桁架,屋頂護套和框架中是否有所有破壞木材的生物。在爬行空間中,它將由地板托樑,窗台和地板下的位置組成。必須知道, WDO檢查只是對可見內容的視覺檢查,並且可能存在和看不見潛在的損壞。



如果您需要房屋的WDO檢查。請致電386-956-9506與帝國害蟲預防中心聯繫。我們有工作人員在等您。 禦蟲病網頁上的所有書面內容均由昆蟲學家以自然形式手寫 喬納森·斯托達德 Jonathan Stoddard) 確保質量標準並擁有版權。

營業時間 :

星期一-星期五8:00 am-5:00 pm

星期六9:00 am-12:00 pm


1725 S.Nova Rd。 B6單元。













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