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Orlando Pest Control, operating under the esteemed banner of Imperial Pest Prevention, has established itself as a formidable force in termite control within the region. With a comprehensive suite of services designed to tackle termite infestations at every level, this company offers targeted solutions that address the immediate eradication of termites and the long-term prevention of their return.

Subterranean Termite Treatments: Recognizing the significant threat posed by subterranean termites,

Imperial Pest Prevention employs a strategic approach to eliminate these pests. By creating a chemical barrier in the soil around and beneath a property, they effectively cut off the termites' access, preventing them from reaching the wood they so voraciously consume.

Borate Treatments: This method involves the application of borate-based products directly onto wood surfaces, providing a long-lasting protective barrier that termites cannot penetrate. Borate treatments are Ideal for existing structures and new constructions because they are favored for their low toxicity and high efficacy in termite prevention.

Spot Treatments: Spot treatments offer a precise and immediate solution for localized termite activity. Imperial Pest Prevention utilizes advanced techniques to target specific areas where termites have been detected, applying termiticides directly to eliminate the colony from within.

Tent Fumigation: In cases of extensive termite infestation, tent fumigation presents a powerful option. This process involves enveloping the entire structure in a sealed tent and releasing a fumigant that permeates every nook and cranny, ensuring the complete eradication of termites from the property. It's a comprehensive approach for severe infestations that require aggressive action.

Pre-Construction Treatments: Understanding that prevention is better than cure, Imperial Pest Prevention offers pre-construction termite treatments. This proactive step involves treating the soil before a foundation is laid and setting up a termite-resistant barrier that protects the future building from subterranean termite invasions right from the start.

Orlando Pest Control | Imperial Pest Prevention is dedicated to delivering top-tier termite control services that homeowners and businesses can rely on. Their use of advanced treatment methods, coupled with a deep understanding of termite behavior and ecology, makes them a leader in the pest control industry in Orlando. Whether facing an existing infestation or taking preventative measures against future termite problems, Imperial Pest Prevention stands ready to provide effective, environmentally responsible solutions.

Different Types of Termite Treatments in Olrando

In Florida, the warm and humid climate provides an ideal environment for termites to thrive, making termite management a critical concern for homeowners and property managers. Various treatment options are available to combat these destructive pests, each tailored to different types of termite infestations and property needs. Here's an overview of the different types of termite treatments commonly used in Florida:


硼酸鹽是一種粉末或液體,我們在Imperial Pest Prevention中使用,它有助於保護木材免受白蟻侵擾和其他破壞木材的生物,例如腐朽真菌。硼酸鹽很容易被未加工的木材吸收,並形成屏障,消除白蟻進食經處理的地方。這種白蟻處理方法最適合保護無法修復的房屋脆弱區域,例如,地板以下,地板托樑,裸露的螺柱,爬網空間和窗台,閣樓桁架和r子等。硼酸處理有助於阻止木材,損壞木材昆蟲感染附近未經處理的木材位置。帝國蟲害預防中心(Imperial Pest Prevention)建議對任何爬行空間或閣樓使用此療法。對於那些可能選擇進行重塑並希望在密封螺柱或在牆框架中進行處理之前要處理木材位置的人來說,它也非常有效。






  • 此屏障設計為可以持續使用5年,然後再進行其他重新處理。

  • 這種屏障對白蟻是無味,無色和無味的,從而使經過處理區域的白蟻成為白蟻治療的不知情載體,從而導致該殖民地整個白蟻家族的污染和根除。

  • 這種有效的白蟻處理對環境也是安全的,不會引起不利的環境反應。





有了常規的WDO檢查,白蟻處理政策以及帝國蟲害預防計劃生效的有害生物控制計劃,您的家中將有最大的機會獲得無白蟻和其他有害生物的釋放。我們為您提供無害蟲的保證,否則我們將免費退貨。如有任何疑問,請與我們聯繫;我們友好的辦公室工作人員和技術人員僅需電話386-956-9506 。我們將很高興與您或我們的任何客戶見面,以為您的家庭提供最佳的白蟻治療解決方案。無論是帳篷熏蒸處理,現場處理還是地下白蟻處理土壤服務,我們都能做到。

該白蟻治療網頁中的所有內容均由昆蟲學家以自然形式編寫 Jonathan Stoddard並受版權保護。

營業時間 :

星期一-星期五8:00 am-5:00 pm

星期六9:00 am-12:00 pm


1725 S.Nova Rd。 B6單元。













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