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The necessity for rodent exclusion stems from a clear and urgent rationale. Whether it concerns your residence, commercial establishment, or any building, rodents gain entry through some form of opening or breach. Without these access points, the risk of infestation, the potential for electrical fires due to their gnawing habits, or the threat to health would significantly diminish.


Our Imperial Pest Prevention YouTube video reveals how rodents can infiltrate your living spaces, including

attics and crawlspaces. Implementing measures to seal these entry points is critical in safeguarding your property, health, and the well-being of your family. If you suspect a rodent issue or if the presence of rodents is uncertain, we invite you to explore our rodent service offerings by clicking this link to our dedicated rodent service page.

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What is a Rodent Exclusion?

Rodent exclusion is a preventive pest control method focused on keeping rodents out of a structure by identifying and sealing all potential entry points they could use to gain access. This approach is detailed and methodical and considers rodents' behavior and physical capabilities, particularly their ability to squeeze through tiny gaps and climb various surfaces. Here’s a detailed look at what rodent exclusion involves:

Identification of Entry Points

The first step in rodent exclusion is a thorough inspection of the property. Professionals look for any openings that could serve as gateways for rodents, no matter how small. Common entry points include gaps around doors and windows, holes where pipes and electrical wires enter buildings, foundation cracks, and spaces around roof vents and chimneys.

Sealing and Repairing Gaps

Once potential entry points are identified, the next step is to seal these openings with rodent-proof materials. Different materials may be used depending on the size of the gap and its location, including:

  • Steel wool or wire mesh for larger gaps, as rodents cannot chew through these materials.

  • Caulk and foam sealants for smaller cracks and crevices in walls and around windows and doors.

  • Metal flashing to reinforce areas around the structure's base or the roofline where rodents might gain access.

Installing Barriers

In some cases, physical barriers may be installed to prevent rodent access. This can include chimney caps to block entry from above or grates over drains and vents. The goal is to create a physical blockade that rodents cannot bypass.

Landscaping and Sanitation

Rodent exclusion also involves modifying the environment around the structure to make it less attractive to rodents. This may include trimming back trees and bushes that touch the building, removing debris and clutter that could provide shelter for rodents, and ensuring trash is properly contained and disposed of.

Monitoring and Maintenance

After the initial exclusion work is done, ongoing monitoring is essential to ensure the measures' effectiveness and identify any new potential entry points. Regular inspections allow for timely repairs and adjustments as needed.

The Benefits of Rodent Exclusion

Rodent exclusion offers several benefits over other control methods, such as baiting and trapping. It is a long-term solution that addresses the root cause of rodent infestations rather than just the symptoms. By preventing rodents from entering in the first place, it reduces the likelihood of damage to property, eliminates health risks associated with rodent droppings and urine, and minimizes the need for chemical rodenticides.


    • 在您的帝王預防病蟲害合格技術人員對財產進行全面檢查並解釋了確保需要囓齒類動物排斥服務的指定地點的行動計劃後,我們將採用我們的排斥服務以及誘餌和誘捕措施

    • 囓齒動物排除服務是針對家庭和您的特定需求量身定制的,可以包括但不限於:

    • 可能的情況下,小鼠的密封口可能大於1/4“,而大鼠的密封口可能大於1/2”。通常,我們將硬件布,銅網,泡沫等組合在一起進行此操作。需要注意的是,需要雜工或承包商進行的大規模維修必須由適當的服務公司進行。

    • 我們還將密封老鼠和老鼠的常見接入點,例如家中櫥櫃下方的管道接入點,進入牆壁和空隙的公用設施線,空調線,爐灶位置後面的220v切口等。

    • 我們還將密封(如果需要)拱腹式通風孔,爬行空間通風孔,面板板等。請注意,我們正在密封位置以阻止囓齒動物。重要的是要注意,需要雜工,屋頂工,承包商的大型修理工作必須由適當的相關服務公司進行。

    • 我們還將檢查窗戶是否損壞,破損,門是否密封好或天氣狀況是否惡劣,並請您注意這些位置以進行進一步維修。

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  1. 所有垃圾堆,房屋周圍散落的垃圾和垃圾都需要清除。

  2. 所有垃圾桶,垃圾桶和垃圾箱都需要有貼身的蓋子,以防止垃圾暴露。

  3. 灌木和樹木需要妥善維護和修剪,以免接觸房屋的結構或屋頂。

  4. 存放的木材和木柴應與建築物至少相距25英尺,並且要離地面至少25英尺。

  5. 餵鳥器和寵物食品不得存放在室外。

  6. 如果您的房屋在外部恰好有過多的存儲物品,棚屋不是處於最惡劣的條件下,裡面有大量的存儲物品,則是穀倉,獨立的車庫等,因此必須對這些位置進行良好的春季清潔也一樣


有了常規的蟲害控製程序,包括帝王預防中心的囓齒動物控制,囓齒動物排除服務以及這些有用的衛生提示,您的家中將保持囓齒動物和其他害蟲的自由。皇家害蟲預防保證了我們的囓齒動物控制服務,否則我們將免費退還。立即與我們聯繫;我們友好的辦公室工作人員和技術人員僅需電話即可 386-956-9506。昆蟲學家Jonathan Stoddard已撰寫了上面列出的頁面內容,並受版權保護

營業時間 :

星期一-星期五8:00 am-5:00 pm

星期六9:00 am-12:00 pm


1725 S.Nova Rd。 B6單元。













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