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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Stoddard

What Are Sod Webworms?

Sod Webworm image
Sod Webworm image courtesy of

Sod Webworms cause a lot of damage to lawns, especially during the warm, humid seasons. Sod Webworms are lawn damaging pests from the larvae of a species of bronze-brown moth. These larvae feed on grasses in the yard, leaving several dull brown spots on the properties, which may become tough to recuperate. The best way to control sod webworms is by targeting the larval stage of the moth insect instead of the adult moths by employing a professional lawn spray company.

Sod Webworm Lifecycle

Sod Webworms lay their eggs during Spring, and a single female can lay up to 60 eggs every night. It takes roughly a week for the eggs to hatch and about six to ten weeks for the entire lifecycle from the larvae to the adult moth to be completed resulting in several generations that may generate per season.

Many different species of sod webworms exist; some of them have a single generation from mid to the later part of summer; hence they are less destructive than others. The majority of the damages in turf grasses are caused by the first-generation larva species appearing in early Spring as they are only the initial wave of feeding worms. Upon the arrival of the second generation, the grass is already at wit’s end, and additional feedings will result in more pronounced damage to the lawn.

How To Identify Sod Webworm Damage

Sod Webworm damage image
Sod Webworm damage image courtesy of

Early signs of sod webworm damage are noticed in Spring. The soft topmost growth of grasses is damaged by the chewing action of the worms, leaving behind narrow blotches of shorter grasses. As they develop, the webworms cause severe damages leading to brown sod. They are mainly found in sunny and dry areas, like curb edges and along roadsides and pavements. The grasses suffer more damage from late July to August. They appear like they have been drought-stressed and have launched into summer inactivity. The appearance is that such as a mower blade dropped low in one section of the turf, but not in other locations.

Nonetheless, you can tell if sod webworm damage is by digging into the thatch of the grass to the soil to identify the once transparent larvae now green from consuming the vegetation. On the other hand, you can also check by mixing two tablespoons of liquid dish soap with two gallons of water and using the mixture to soak the lawn area. If the webworms are present, they will appear at the surface of the lawn.

How To Control Sod Webworms

If you have discovered that you have sod webworms in your lawn, there are various ways to revive your lawn. First and foremost, regularly water the lawn and hire a lawn spray company to apply insecticides and adding fertilizer to boost the health and growth of the grasses.

Secondly, avoid using all-inclusive insecticides that may kill beneficial organisms. Remember, it is best to hire an expert from a Lawn Spray Company to do this. Nonetheless, the spray control method has little control effect on the older larva. Hence, the timing of the sod webworm lifecycle is crucial in controlling the infestation.

The sod webworm larva feeds majorly at night. Hence, to successfully get rid of sod webworms, it is best to spray the lawn in the late afternoon or early morning to guarantee assimilation of the pesticides. If you reside in an area highly infested with these pests, you may want to opt for turf grass resistant to these sod webworms. Grasses that are “endophyte enriched,” such as certain tall fescues, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues, are resistant to these bugs. If you seek a pest control company and are located in Volusia country Florida or the greater Daytona Beach area, as well as Flagler County Florida, or the greater Palm Coast Florida locations, do not hesitate to contact us at 386-9565-9506. Imperial Pest Prevention has years of experience controlling Sod Webworms, Chinch Bugs, and other Lawn Spraying Company needs.


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