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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Stoddard

How Much Does Pest Control Cost In Florida?

Pest Control Daytona Beach

Update: October 23, 2023

Given the dynamic nature of economies and the ever-changing market conditions, we felt it was essential to provide our readers with the most up-to-date information on pest control costs in Florida. As of October 23, 2023, this blog post has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the current economic environment and the latest trends in pest control services. The fluctuating prices, emerging pest control technologies, and shifting customer demands necessitated these changes to ensure accuracy and relevancy for our readers. We remain committed to offering transparent and timely information to help you make informed decisions about your pest control needs. For any further queries or to gain insights into recent developments in the industry, feel free to contact us at Imperial Pest Prevention.

Are you seeking a pest control service in Florida? Perhaps you are curious about pest control service prices. Suppose it was only as easy as simple to the point price. Unfortunately, pest control services can have many varying factors that will and can affect prices. Imperial Pest Prevention created the pest control blog post "How Much Does Pest Control Cost In Florida?" to simplify how much pest control services cost and how they may vary.

Free Pest Control

Have you tried to use homemade pest control products? Maybe you hit the internet and found old wives' tales of solutions for miracle pest control solutions that included making your pest control service accessible. Well, yes, these methods can indeed be free. The downside is that insects continually evolve, and these methods will not work long-term. It is also essential to factor in that most home-made pest control remedies do not provide a long-term solution, lack residuals, and, unfortunately, are not regulated, and may cause damage to a home. As you can see, pest control can be free; however, it is best to employ a licensed professional pest control company to rid you of pests quickly.

DIY Pest Control

Do It Yourself Pest Control kit

Do-it-yourself pest control is another option that is out there. In my opinion, this pest control method is the most expensive of all pest control programs. Do-it-yourself pest control involves a consumer going online and seeking out do-it-yourself pest control in a box kit sold at a retail value. These usually include an insecticide, a cheap plastic sprayer, and maybe a bit of some sort. The do-it-yourself kit comes with mixing rates and directions. The problem with do-it-yourself pest control is that the consumer is not licensed to do pest control, lacks the education of where to apply the products, and may have misidentified the target insect, rendering the do-it-yourself pest control kit ineffective. Understanding that insects become resilient to pest control products is also essential. It requires a constant rotation of insecticides for long-term protection; likewise, those pest control products must be applied in the proper locations. The result of a do-it-yourself pest control kit in a box is usually a failed pest control service that results in the homeowner having to seek a pest control company in the end after spending much more than they would have by just initially calling a pest professional in the first place.

Hiring a Pest Control Company

Pest Control Technician Vector Imperial Pest Prevention

Whatever may be the case, before you think of getting professional pest control services to eliminate pests from your property, there are some things you must first need to know- especially about the cost.

The cost to hire a professional pest control service in Florida depends on several factors, and unfortunately, there is no magic number. Homes vary in size, living conditions from home to home will vary, and the severity of infestations will also vary from home to home.

Once you call a licensed pest control company such as Imperial Pest Prevention, you speak with an office consultant who will listen to your concerns. The office consultant will then determine your property's size and location and develop a custom program that best suits your needs.

Pest Control Prices

Vector of man holding money

As of 10/23/2023, it costs between $125 and $250 to get a professional pest control contractor to visit your property- according to an independent study from Imperial Services. However, according to projected, forecasted rates of 2023-2025, a solitary visit from a pest control professional contractor costs between $125 - $275, with the national average at $225.

When you think of these price ranges, you would conclude that the price ranges are somewhat broad. However, it would be best if you remembered that there is a wide range of needs for pest control.

Thus, it is crucial for you to precisely identify your pest control needs and have a relatively narrow price range. For instance, the cost of exterminating termites differs from Bed Bug exterminating—also, the charge for rodent exterminating services from your home differs from Cockroach Pest Control or Palmetto Bug Control. You must ask your prospective exterminator specific questions that will help you determine how much your needed pest control services would cost you.

Alternatively, you may consider penning down an annual contract with a company. In that case, the following are the price ranges if the pest control particular would involve periodic check-ins / regularly scheduled pest control visits to your property. Pest Control Prices are as follows under normal circumstances:

  • $30 - $45 for each month.

  • $50 - $60 once every two months.

  • $85 - $150 once every three months (quarterly).

  • $175-$365 annual pest control programs.

Follow this pest control services link to read about each pest control program's differences and evaluate which pest control solution may fit your needs best.

One other thing you have to consider, as previously mentioned, is the size of your home. Generally, the bigger your house is, the higher the cost. For example, an 1800-square-foot home would cost less than a 3,500-square-foot house. Some professional pest control companies may require that you pay an additional start-up fee charge of $25 for every 1,000 square feet that exceed 1,500 square feet.

How To Research a Pest Control Company Before Hiring

review rating vector

Most pest control companies offer their clients free on-site quotes. At Imperial Pest Prevention, we prefer to save the hassle when possible and provide direct pricing over the phone. Like any other contract, it never hurts to research the pest control company you plan on hiring. Check reviews; remember, most pest control companies with a perfect 5.0 rating usually do so because they cherry-pick customers only to write those particular reviews. A negative review here and there is typical; it is most important to see how the pest control company responded to those reviews that should be considered. That way, you will choose based on other factors such as the company's level of professionalism and how they treat their clients and their client's properties.

Also, you might check out your prospective contractor's website for necessary licenses and accreditation. For example, in Florida, pest control companies must be licensed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. They must also have a State of Florida Department of Agriculture certificate with minimum liability insurance.

Before you sign a pest control service agreement with a pest prevention company, you want to be sure they are not the type that would sneak in extra charges. Be sure everything is listed in your agreement. For example, your prospective pest control contractor should not charge you for re-treatments, same-day service, next-day services, or Saturday Pest Control Services. The pest exterminator company should handle these services without imposing any extra charges.

Your prospective pest control company's history is another thing on which you need to carry out research. To know the stability and longevity of your prospective pest control company, the EPA recommends that you find out the length of time your prospective contractor has been operating at its current address. Here in Florida, that information can be found on This free research tool informs you that the Florida pest control company is registered. You can always tell a good pest control company by its longevity in business.

Inquire from relatives, friends, and neighbors about any good company they have patronized. Their answer may save you a lot of stress. Imperial Pest Prevention can gladly provide professional references for our pest control services.

It would not hurt to ask your prospective pest professional to see their pest control license. In Florida, pest control technicians have an ID that is assigned to them. It would help if you also inquire about what pesticides or repellants they will use to eradicate pests from your property, including how they will apply them. Pest Control professionals should freely share a targeted approach and action plan.

What To Expect After Hiring a Pest Control Company

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After hiring a pest control service, it is not uncommon to see bugs. Most clients have a misconception of pest control. Having a pest control service does not mean that you will never see bugs. Live bugs must pass through a treated zone. Once the insects pass through a pest control barrier, they become subject to the pesticide. At that point, the insecticide starts to take effect, which can result in bugs still being seen crawling in your home. After an insect passes through a treated zone, it can take up to 8 hours to die, depending on its size, body weight, and composition. Beetles with a much sturdier body and a thick shell may take longer to die off than a termite with soft, fleshy bodies. Remember, once you have a pest control company, they will return for regular service-related callbacks at no additional charge. Monitor your home; call your pest prevention company if you see insect activity.

What Do I Do If I See Bugs and Have a Pets Control Program?

no bugs vector

It would be best to take swift measures when you discover pest infestation on your property to ensure the pest control company can get rid of them as quickly as possible before they start multiplying. Usually, pests reproduce at an alarming rate. As they breed in your home or office, they increase the potential damage they can cause.

Insects and rodents can often co-hit with you on your property without revealing their presence. They can remain hidden. Just because you caught a few rodents and got rid of them doesn't mean they are no longer there.

If you do not attend to pests quickly, they will grow and multiply. And then increase the impact of the diseases they spread and the degree of damage they cause on household properties such as furniture. For example:

Just 5 - 7 rats can quickly reproduce 25 - 60 rats within a short time frame because of how easily the female rodent can reproduce. Within only 30 days after birth, a female rat can reproduce other baby rats, producing an average of 5 - 10 liters yearly.

Within 40 - 125 days, a female cockroach would mature and reproduce with other cockroaches for additional cockroaches. Cockroaches will also interbreed with their own young. This causes a significant cockroach infestation in a short period that can result in sickness, disease transmission, and viruses. Within the cockroach's average life span of 1 year, a female cockroach can produce as many as 18,000 cockroaches!

So, if you see any insect activity while you have a pest control service, you must contact your pest control company! Remember, that is what you pay for. A professional trained to identify insects understand the insects' habits and knows what to apply to rid you of these insects. Your pest control company has one interest: protecting your home and family.

How to Get Rid Of Bugs In Your Home

It is essential to take a severe approach to get rid of pests from your home and immediately get them under control. Insects carry parasites, bacteria, and viruses, making people sick with foodborne illnesses. It is crucial to protect your loved ones, pets, and yourself. Your home is your number one investment; you must employ a professional pest control contractor for periodic visits. Especially in cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, fleas, ticks, etc., since it is almost impossible for a homeowner to get rid of them all thoroughly. The focus should be on control and maintenance. If you seek a pest control company and reside in Volusia or Flagler Counties of Florida, Contact Imperial Pest Prevention. We expertly handled all pest control needs. Entomologist Jonathan Stoddard wrote this blog to ensure credibility and expertise on pest control industry topics.


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