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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Stoddard

Allergies and Asthma Triggering Bugs

It may be allergy season in Florida; however, there could be another source of asthma and other allergic reactions hiding in or around your home: Pests!

Stinging Insects Allergy Symptoms

Those allergic to stinging insects may experience itching and hives to more severe symptoms such as shortness of breath and anaphylaxis, potentially life-threatening reactions. It is quite possible to have signs of an allergy when the immune system overreacts with a cytokine to specific allergens. Allergens of the stinging insects are venom released by the insect's stinger. The following four types of pests are responsible for the majority of severe reactions:

Yellowjackets are black with yellow patterns on their shoulders and arms. Typically, Yellowjackets construct nests below the Earth's surface. Yellowjackets can also be found in the interior walls of homes and cracks in brick, masonry, wood siding, and stored firewood and lumber.

Bees with large bodies with dark brown and yellow markings are honey bees. Honeycombs in trees, old tires, and other partially protected areas are familiar places to find them.

Paper wasps are slender insects with black, brown, red, and yellow markings. They reside in a circular comb under roofs, behind shutters, in bushes, and woodpiles, and they reproduce in large numbers.

Hornets are black or brown, with orange, white, or yellow markings on their wings and bodies. Their nests, which are gray or brown, are generally found among the branches of trees.

Cockroach Allergy Symptoms

According to research, you may not be aware that cockroaches are one of the most common causes of asthma symptoms in children. These include difficulties sleeping and breathing, itchy skin and throat, and irritation of the eyes and ears, among other symptoms. While adults may also experience these symptoms, children are particularly vulnerable to the allergen proteins found in cockroach droppings, saliva, shed skins, and leftovers, all carried by the cockroaches. Everything about a cockroach will end up as a component of the dust in your home, increasing your risk of an asthma attack. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, at least 78 percent of urban households include cockroaches; the outskirts also have their fair share, according to the same organization.

Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms

Dust mites are also quite widespread in the home, causing symptoms such as congestion, coughing, facial pressure, scratchy/itchy watery eyes, and postnasal drip (a type of nasal discharge). You'll need a magnifying glass or microscope to observe dust mites, which are close cousins of ticks and spiders. Known as dust mites, they feed on the skin cells shed by humans and flourish in warm, humid settings. Dust mites thrive in most houses, where bedding, upholstered furniture, cushions, curtains, pillows, and carpeting provide a perfect habitat. The waste products of dust mites, rather than themselves, cause allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin. According to some estimates, a single dust mite can produce as much as 200 times its body weight in waste products throughout its short life cycle. The waste produced by dust mites contains a protein that is an allergy. An allergen is a chemical that causes an allergic reaction in the medical field. Take actions to limit the number of dust mites in your home, and you may be able to gain control over dust mite allergy symptoms.

What Strategies Can Be Applied to Control Bugs and Pests?

When it boils down to protecting your house or business from pests that cause asthma and allergies, Imperial Pest Prevention and the National Pest Management Association propose the following recommendations:

  • Keep food properly packaged and stored, and clean the kitchen floors and counters daily.

  • Garbage should be regularly disposed of and must be stored in airtight containers.

  • Seal any gaps or holes in your home, including entry points for utilities and pipes and screen doors and windows, to keep the elements out.

  • Basements and crawl areas should be well aired and kept dry.

  • A dust mite allergy cover for your bed can be a good idea.

  • Dust mites may result in allergic reactions in a few people, and hard surface flooring may be beneficial in reducing these symptoms.

  • Make sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter at least weekly to keep the house clean.

  • If you suffer from allergic reactions to stinging insects, you should learn how to utilize an epinephrine kit and keep it with you.

  • If you are experiencing allergic symptoms, like swelling of the tongue and throat, wheezing, dizziness, or shortness of breath, dial 911 immediately for assistance.

If you are unsure that you have a cockroach infestation in your business or home, call Imperial Pest Prevention for assistance in identifying and safely treating the problem.


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