American Cockroach | Palmetto Bug Identification
With adults growing up to 1.5", American cockroaches are the largest in the United States. Their unique light brown band around the head ranges from red to brown. Unlike the German cockroach, the American roach will use its wings to fly regularly. Cockroaches in the United States can survive up to 15 months as adults. Females will lay their eggs in a secluded location, usually around the ground level (preferably near a food source).
If you suspect American Cockroaches | Palmetto Bugs in your home, it is imperative that you seek the professional help of a pest control company immediately. Cockroaches carry many pathogens, bacteria, and viruses, contaminating food and food preparation services.

American Cockroach Habits
Restaurants, multifamily housing projects, private residences, and hospitals will all have many American cockroaches. Cockroaches in the United States are frequently found in restaurants and other commercial facilities where food is made or stored. Still, they will also try to enter multifamily or residential homes (often through sewer systems, openings, and water/ sewer piping).
Brown-banded cockroaches are more likely to infest private residences or multifamily housing complexes than commercial establishments, although once inside, they do not discriminate between rooms. Oriental cockroaches can nest indoors and outdoors but prefer moist, humid environments. Their populations aren't as significant as other species but can thrive if the conditions are right.
American Cockroach | Palmetto Bug Health Risks
Cockroaches are not structural pests because they do not cause physical harm to buildings or their surroundings; they can be a severe health risk and a nuisance. Cockroaches can contaminate food with their bodies or waste products, creating an unpleasant stench in locations where they have been infested. Foraging cockroaches can also be disease carriers, spreading germs or bacteria in the regions they invade and triggering asthma attacks in particular persons allergic to cockroaches.
How to Prevent an American Cockroach Infestation
Cockroaches are an unpleasant pest to have in one's house, but there are several effective methods to reduce the chance of infestation. The most crucial weapons in your armory against cockroaches are sanitation and cleanliness; cockroaches prefer to live in filthy environments and typically gravitate toward places with plenty of food, water, and shelter. Cockroaches become nearly impossible to exterminate in restaurants that are not well-cleaned.
Paying particular attention to cleanliness and sanitation will be advantageous, especially in the kitchen(s) and bathroom(s). Caulking and sealing small crevices beneath doors and windows, inside molding, and wherever roaches can touch their front and back are other practical approaches to keeping them out. Cockroaches are always more challenging to remove from your home than they prevent in the first place. If you suspect American cockroaches, employing a pest control company to effectively and safely rid your home of pests is always best. Call us today if you live in Volusia County, Flagler County, St. Johns County, or Seminole County of Florida.
Don't delay, cockroaches breed at a highly alarming rate daily resulting in infestations that multiply furthering the risk of your family, pets, and your own health. Schedule Service with us TODAY!